Third quarter slump
The peak of the school year has come and passed but the downhill isn’t always easier. The third quarter of the school year always appears to be the toughest on students. Students can see the light at the end of the tunnel and are looking forward to spring break.
“How am I supposed to focus on school when I am looking forward to the beaches in the Bahamas at the end of this quarter,” sophomore Lillie Moore said.
Spring Break is always a fun time where many students travel to various places around the world. This week long is just a slight taste of summer.
“My focus on spring break in the past has caused my third quarter grades to be lower than other quarters. This year I plan to focus on completing my school work so the wait for spring break doesn’t seem to be as long,” junior Ben Ralls said.
Spring sports are also beginning to start up here at Broughton and this takes away time from class and schoolwork outside of school. The more time spent playing spring sports leaves less time for students to focus on their grades.
“Soccer season is tough to manage with my school work. I need to make sure to spend time on my school work and stay focused on my academic goals throughout the soccer season,” junior Kathryn Weil said.
Avoiding this slump is important for student’s final year grades. Although it may seem hard to focus on school work instead of a nice sunny beach, it is possible.
“My fellow friends talk about how third quarter is always the hardest academically but I always remained focused on my academic goals through golf season and thoughts of spring break,” sophomore Patrick Carlin said.
Teachers also realize the third quarter slump and how this quarter is the toughest on students. They are willing to help students get through this slump.
“I tell my students to stay motivated. I also have each of my students reflect on their first semester and see how they can improve through the third quarter,” humanities teacher Tim Justice said.
The third quarter is just as important as any other quarter. It is key to remain focused and maintain those good grades.