Food, fun, and football
Homecoming: the annual football game on October 6th, in which Broughton faces a fierce rival from the Cap 7. This year, it’ll be the Enloe Eagles. It’s true that Homecoming is the biggest football game of the year. What some students don’t know is that Homecoming is much more than just a three hour game.
Months in advance, student government members begin planning themes, activities and spirit days for the student body.
This year’s theme is Battle of the Bands. Freshmen have disco music, sophomores have rock ‘n roll, juniors have country music and seniors have hip-hop and rap.
The school day Friday will include a break for the Homecoming pep rally. Each grade will perform a skit and the football team will speak to the audience.
The Homecoming parade this year will be after school on October 6 throughout campus and Cameron Village. Always a big hit, the annual parade features floats built by each grade level, to be entered in a contest afterward. The marching band, color guard and various fall sports also march in the parade.
The parade is not only important to the Broughton community, but to the Raleigh community as a whole, as neighbors and alumni line the streets to collect thrown candy.
During the parade, the Homecoming court rides in convertibles and consists of seniors elected by the student body. The king will be crowned during the pep rally during school on Friday, with the queen crowned at halftime.
One new aspect of this year’s Homecoming festivities is the food truck rodeo from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. before the game. Food trucks will sell a variety of foods on the top of the strips. Featured trucks will include Fuzzy’s Empanadas, Kona Ice, Bam Pow Chow, and Not Just Icing Cupcakery. The game itself will start at 7.
Powderpuff, the famous night in which girls play flag football and guys dance on the sidelines, is October 3 this year. Freshmen will play sophomores, juniors will play seniors, then seniors will play the faculty. Proceeds will benefit breast cancer awareness.
The girls practice twice for two hours each practice before the big game, and are coached by varsity football players. Dance teacher Betsy Graves is running Powderpuff once again this year. Applications were due two weeks ago.
This year’s spirit days for Homecoming week are Monochromatic Monday, Tie Dye Tuesday, Way back Wednesday, Jersey Thursday, and Purple and Gold Friday.