Parental punishments

   Everyone, at one time or another, has gotten into trouble. Whether with parents, a teacher or even a friend, it’s just human nature to break the rules every once in awhile.

  Consequences administered by parents for infractions have evolved in the digital age. Are the days of grounding and strict curfews a thing of the past?

 Parents vary greatly on their standpoints on violations as well as punishments.

 Some won’t stand for phones at the table or hats on indoors while others just want their kids to have decent grades and stay out of trouble with the police.

  “If I make anything under an A, I get in trouble. They’re really strict about school but they are pretty relaxed,” freshman Jack White said.

   Either way, every parent knows the value of a phone to student life.

   Confiscating a child’s phone  has become the standard consequence for parents who think their child has broken a rule.

   The severity of the infraction can dictate how long the student’s phone will be taken. However, when taking a child’s iPhone for a week or two isn’t enough, some parents threaten replacing their brand new iPhone with a flip phone, making their child look like an extra from High School Musical.

  Some students value their phones about all else.

  “Having my license is great because now my parents don’t take my phone anymore, just my car,” sophomore Will Kibbe said.

  A lot of older students find that their car becomes the first thing to go. Suddenly these once cool kids who were out in Tahoe bragging about their 12-inch subwoofers find themselves two days late sitting at home eating cereal for lunch watching Harry Potter on ABC Family even though they don’t even really get why Harry Potter is such a big deal.

   Taking the car is a real power play as it has been for generations of parents.

  “I was grounded for three months and you sort of get used to it after awhile. It’s kind of peaceful,” a sophomore said.

  Other than confiscating items like a phone or a car, do parents take other measures to chastise their children these days?

    Not much has changed in this regard because kids can still be sent to their room and put to bed at 9 p.m. and other consequences that have been around for years. However, these methods can be worked around by mischievous children who have something better to do.

  The old three pillows under the covers and a paper mache version of your head that you have hidden in your room for these occasions, so you can climb out the window and get picked up down the street by a friend is a classic that has a solid success rate depending on how much your parents check on you.

  As some students have noticed, it’s likely that the parents of today had it harder when they were kids. This shows how parents discipline their children and slowly, parents are less strict to their children. Deep down, they don’t want to upset them.

    So yes, today’s parental punishments have changed and they will keep changing with the advancement of technology.